Our Curriculum

I will do my best to plan out as far ahead as I'm able to, between the girls, housework, crocheting, and my job. I'll try to include links or descriptions for all our projects and activities. Feel free to follow along with us as we progress in teaching our girls, or use our info to design your own curriculum.

October 4th - October 10th

Our Schedule

With two toddlers, It's hard to stick with an actual schedule. This schedule is not set in stone. Our live are unpredictable. Everyday is a new challenge. This schedule is meant merely as a guide for me to remember what to do next. Please feel free to use it however you want, adding or omiting as you please.

Click the link below to view our schedule/routine
Our Daily Schedule

Sunday, September 27, 2009

So so so busy... but prioritizing

Alright, so I've been a bit busy. I haven't neglected to find more stuff, and figure this thing out... I just haven't blogged about it, but at the moment, it's almost midnight... and i need some sleep. So please stick with me (so glad some people have taken an interest in this.) and I'll get a plan together.

Also, I was trying to figure out a way that we as Moms could get together to go over some things, trade ideas, maybe make some things together... So i thought maybe once a week, or every other week, once a month if that's all we can do, we'll get together for a "playdate". We'll let the kids run around, or make a big craft, and we can make materials (games/cards/etc) to use, and trade ideas and info and websites and just have fun.

If you're interested, let me know someway... facebook, blog, email, phone... whatever.

I'm also redoing alot of things in my life right now... so email and blog and such maybe changing soon. Be on the look out.

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